Saturday, 3 March 2012

宣传中共是恐怖分子,揭露中共恶魔对藏人犯下的罪行 抗强拆升级!用中共的超限战对付中共法西斯,有冤的,开车撞死交警,开车去北京撞中南海,看哪个还敢给中共鬼子当走狗,坦克把守中南海大门,中南海很快就是“军管了”,汽油瓶革命!火烧中共恶魔,邪恶就怕火,宣传中共恶魔伤害藏人的罪行,联合国出兵消灭共匪! 连维良继续努祸害郑州吧,搜刮河南的民脂民膏给你主子胡尽掏‘维稳’经费,你也升官发财,人民清算中共鬼子就要到-----你连维良把共匪的中南海老窝强拆了,你的牛皮‘政绩’还能翻一番! 连维良 吴天君升官发财的“秘诀” 黑社会河南郑州市委书记连维良代市长吴天君以及前任王文超 赵建才4人在省委书记卢展工的直接领导下,在中共反人类恐怖团伙总头目胡锦涛习近平的的全面指挥下,对汉族的财产疯狂的抢劫 共青帮在河南祸害最厉害,共青帮在河南坐直升机升官发财 共匪的话能信,胡锦涛就能上树

     由于北京当局无理剥夺守望教会的敬拜场地,威胁业主解除对已购物业的交付使用,所以守望教会至今没有敬拜场地。自去年4月10日开始,守望教会为捍卫敬拜权利,坚持户外主日聚会,今年2月26日守望教会举行本年第9次户外敬拜。上周五,就有一个准备周日去户外敬拜的姊妹被抓捕,周日至少有15名信徒前往户外平台进行敬拜,结果全部被警察抓捕,在稍后的盘问和威胁后都释放了,最后一个信徒是周日晚上8点释放的。 (博讯

    On February 26, 2012 Beijing Shouwang Church Announcement on Outdoor Worship Service
    Dear brothers and sisters:
    Peace in the LORD! On this past Sunday, we held the ninth outdoor worship service of this year. We had a sunny day, and believers continued to worship our LORD with faith and hope.
    Last Friday, a sister was once again taken away to be detained in a hotel and was not released until Sunday morning. As far as we know, on Sunday morning, at least fifteen believers were taken away from locations near the platform for attending the outdoor service. Some believers were released on the way, and the rest of them were sent to three local police stations. The last believer was released around 20:00 pm on Sunday.
    March is approaching, and we are still in the status of having to hold outdoor service. However, as we suffer from hardships in this special period of time, we experience God’s abundant mercy and grace in a much deeper way; the love and care that believers have for each other on every Sunday is much more precious and sweet. Through this special experience, Christ is manifested to the world; through his church, God manifests his presence and power to the world. May the LORD strengthen us, guide us, and help us. May his will be done among us soon.
    May peace and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the mercy and love of Father God, and the console and guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, be with each brother and sister of Shouwang Church and all the churches who remember Shouwang Church in prayers, from this time on and forevermore! Amen.
    Beijing Shouwang Church